Amos, an eccentric junk peddler who lives alone in the Tokapippi mountains, finds his audience waiting for their train at the local station, and recounts to them the story of a young hero named Jack, who saved the railroad.
After all the other railroad workers have been scared away from strange things happening in the camp, Jack decides to brave the wilderness to find out just what is going on.
There he discovers the Hoop Snakes, Sticky-Tailed Possums, Hidebehinds, and other strange and scary creatures that live among the trees. With help from his backward-flying Goofus bird who lives in his hat, Jack overcomes every obstacle and finds a way to complete the railroad as soon as possible. The story is steeped in the folk music styles of the Appalachian Mountains, and the puppets and props are made of one-of-a-kind homemade instruments.
Author: Anna Sándor, Danny Bain
Composer: Bain Melinda és Danny Bain
Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi
Director: Szántó Viktória
Performer: Danny Bain
Special thanks to Márk Széplaki and Justin Weber who helped Danny making the instruments!
Length: 45 min
© 2023 –
All copyrights belong to Danny Bain!
Website: Jónizs János