Interactive stories, concerts, musical puppet shows and extraordinary workshops for children

What is Danny mesél?

Danny Mesél (Stories with Danny) is a series of musical and theatrical performances for children, performed by Hungarian-based American musician Danny Bain. At a Danny Mesél performance, you are just as likely to see traditional African drums and a Brazilian berimbau as you are to be chased by a home-made trombone made from a kitchen sink or asked to play a xylophone made from a ladder and junk metal. The catchy melodies, exciting stories, and Danny’s unique brand of musical comedy make for a one-of-a-kind show that is fun for the whole family.

Danny and his instruments

The gyil [’dʒil’] is a kind of wooden xylophone traditionally played by the Dagara and Lobi people of West Africa, and whose origins date back to the 1300’s. It is a pentatonic instrument, meaning the scale consists of five notes. It is made by suspending 14 wooden keys on a frame over 14 gourds. Spider web silk covers small holes in the gourds, and antelope or goat skin is used for fastenings. When the keys are struck with a rubber malletthe sound resonates in the gourds, and the vibrating spider silk causes a buzzing sound.

Performances and workshops

Danny first performed his adaptation of this African folktale at the Kabóciádé Family Festival in Veszprém in 2013. The spellbinding sound of the Ghanaian xylophone carries the audience away to the African savannah.

In this performance we meet one of the most famous characters of American folk culture: The Gingerbread Man.

Sassouma, a determined and daring young girl, leaves her aging father and their small mud home behind, setting out into the desert on the back of her three-humped camel to find the source of the wind, which has been blowing sand into their village and destroying all the crops.

Have you ever heard a trombone made out of a kitchen sink accompanied by a steel drum? How about a Bulgarian bagpipe/Ghanaian xylophone duo?

Amos, an eccentric junk peddler who lives alone in the Tokapippi mountains, finds his audience waiting for their train at the local station, and recounts to them the story of a young hero named Jack, who saved the railroad.

Djeli, the musican, magician, and storyteller extraordinaire, whisks us away to his West African home, where he tells us the story of Sandji and Kalili.

Gulliver, the great traveller, sails on the endless seas, explores the island country of Lilliput then the land of giants. The stories of the novel by Swift can be experienced through songs and music. 

A combination for musical lecture, concert, instrument introduction and class for children different ages.

Danny’s first children’s book and CD, Danny mesél – Ez nem az apu hangja!, was released in 2015. Brought to life by the exotic and colorful illustrations of Mariann Maray, the book carries the reader away to the savannahs, jungles, and deserts of Africa.
The accompanying CD contains Danny’s musical performances of the stories, played on the Ghanaian gyil. The book was chosen by the Hungarian Institute of Children’s Literature (Magyar Gyermekirodalmi Intézet) as among the year’s top 50 books for children and young adults.

Djeli, the musican, magician, and storyteller extraordinaire, whisks us away to his West African home, where he tells us the story of Sandji and Kalili, who rescued the Sun and the Moon from the wicked witch Kodzsugukila.

The sound recording of the award winning puppet show is available on Spotify, too.

Djeli, the musican, magician, and storyteller extraordinaire, whisks us away to his West African home, where he tells us the story of Sandji and Kalili, who rescued the Sun and the Moon from the wicked witch Kodzsugukila.

The sound recording of the award winning puppet show is available on Spotify, too.

Mi az hogy jól sikerült! Ezek a fiúk zsenik. Annyira laza, finom, elegáns, és mégis vicces, nem is tudok hasonlót mondani, hogy láttam volna korábban.

Velence, 2022
Mert a legnagyobb egzotikum Danny hangszere és előadásmódja. Egy falapokból, lopótökökből és antilopbőr madzagokból álló, afrikai xilofonon játszik, ezt püföli virtuózan két gumiabroncsból készült ütővel, miközben meglepően választékos magyarsággal és amerikai akcentussal kántál és énekel. Az egészben a legjobb maga az akcentus, ami nem hogy nem zavaró, de sőt, éppenhogy még varázslatosabbá teszi az egészet., 2016
Danny Bain egyes egyedül betölti a színpadot, ahogyan a csillagszemével átragyog a gyerekek szemébe, és ezek a minden jóra kapható kisfiúk és kislányok egyszer csak elhiszik, hogy a dobok tényleg beszélnek.

Séd folyóirat, 2018

© 2023 – 
All copyrights belong to Danny Bain!

Website: Jónizs János